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社區健康調查(贏$10 禮卡)


Thank you for those participating in this community! Your inputs are important for the healthcare providers understand the needs from the community. Don't forget to claim your reward: 感謝您參加社區問卷調查。不要忘記領取您的網上禮卡:

  • Check for email from "Virtual Award Center" 查閱電子郵箱

  • Open the message with the title 'Congratulations! You are receiving an eGift Card.' 查找郵件

  • Copy the code and apply it when your check out with your Amazon purchase. 複製密碼,在Amazon網上購物是可以抵扣$10.

Enjoy and thank you 感謝您的參與!

BETAH Associates, Inc. 在 UnitedHealth Group 的支持下,正在進行一項研究,以了解馬里蘭州蒙哥馬利縣居民在 COVID-19 大流行期間及以後的需求和經歷。

完成調查後,您將在 7 個工作日內在您登記的郵箱中收到 10.00 美元的亞馬遜禮品卡


Dear community members,

Global and national issues such as inflation and the COVID-19 pandemic affect all of us living in Montgomery County differently. To better serve you and others in the County, the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center is participating in a significant community outreach effort sponsored by United Health Group. We want to understand how these issues affect you and our community. Please take a moment to complete a survey and share your experience. Your feedback will show us how local organizations, local businesses, the government, and healthcare partners may be able to better assist with community needs. We appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Please be assured that your answers will remain confidential and that no one will try to sell you anything due to your participation in this survey. Your responses will be combined with the responses of others, and only the research team will have access to this data.

Once you complete the survey, you will receive a $10.00 Amazon gift card within seven business days.

We appreciate your consideration of this urgent request and for helping us improve the health and wellness of residents in Montgomery County.

Click here to complete the survey:

BETAH Associates, Inc. 在 UnitedHealth Group 的支持下,正在進行一項研究,以了解馬里蘭州蒙哥馬利縣居民在 COVID-19 大流行期間及以後的需求和經歷。

完成調查後,您將在 7 個工作日內收到 10.00 美元的亞馬遜禮品卡



CCACC 泛亞義務門診 (PAVHC)

9298 Gaither Road

Gaithersburg, MD 20877


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電話: 240-393-5950


星期一至星期五 早上 9 點至下午 5 點

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