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​慢性疼痛自我管理工作坊 提升自我生活品質


美京醫療中心(CCACC Health)有舉辦線上免費的慢性疼痛自我管理工作坊(Chronic Pain Self-Management Program, CPSMP)課程。這課程是由斯坦佛大學醫學院根據實務證據,針對慢性疼痛患者特別規劃的,希望讓參與成員正確認識慢性疼痛並學習如何有效自我管理疼痛,進而提升生活品質並擁有健康生活。本課程經過多個健康審定機構驗證,證明其慢性疼痛管理領域相當的有效性。

本次慢性疼痛自我管理工作坊邀請到印度人社區服務中心(AICS)合作辦理。主購者為美國海軍退休婦產科醫生 Dr. Cynthia Marci 以及 Shahin Sebastian,他們均獲得慢性疼痛項目主購的資格認證。主購人結合自身慢性疼痛的經驗,引導參加者分享各自的經驗。每次課程,學員可以建立新的健康習慣和健康的思維方式,從而更好的提高生活質量。課程更會介紹當今西方社會普遍採納的自我放鬆訓練,希望通過適量的運動,調節生活的方式,減輕疼痛症狀。參與的成員皆給予正向肯定的回饋,並表示面對慢性疼痛的自我管理能力有所提升。

​本課程為免費參加,課程採用英文溝通,參加者須全程參與六週課程並配合填寫所有問卷,自即日起接受報名。每次課程可容納 12人,報滿即止。歡迎致電 240-393-5950,或電郵至 詢問或報名。








6 堂課

2 小時




想了解服務請聯繫我們: 240-393-5950



  • 在美國,上億民眾受慢性疼痛的影響

  • 慢性疼痛已成為醫療上及社會上的重要議題,影響個人、家庭朋友、工作及社會等層面的生活品質

  • 每個人的疼痛狀況皆有其獨特性,也有很多共同性

  • 對慢性疼痛的評估需要適當病史了解及身體檢查。全面性的評估對制定有效治療計畫非常重要

  • 一開始,評估人員可能會問慢性疼痛狀況(例如:灼熱痛、疼痛、刺痛)、位置、強度、時間及間格長短、舒緩或加重的因素

  • 評估人員可能也會了解對於慢性疼痛對患者的生活的影響程度也應該加以了解,例如:睡眠、工作、日常活動以及生活品質

  • 另外,治療慢性疼痛上可能必須參考其他醫療測試及程序




本項目採用整體融合(Integrated Approach)的慢性疼痛管理方案:包括提高慢性疼痛知識、了解治療方法以及制定自我管理技巧;專業人員提供完善的疼痛藥物諮詢以及行為和心理健康干預。使用補充性治療,例如針灸,以減少疼痛藥物依賴。












  1. 必須配合填寫相關表格及調查疼痛問卷 (便於讓我們了解我們的服務對您的改善程度)

  2. 必須全程參與所安排服務項目。例如:3次的中醫療程、6次的團體小組






​參加本項目主辦或合作的相關活動,例如: 健康講座、健康資訊日、社區外展活動

或與我們聯絡 240-393-5950。



I learned so much from the workshop! Very nice group and knowledgeable instructors!

This pain management class is excellent for individuals who have pain and also good for individuals who do not have pain to prevent pain from happening to them.

Love the classmates and mentors! Miss you all! Good luck to you all!

It is great to learn more about how to manage pain. This knowledge will be great to help myself and to help other people.

I used to think pain is part of life and there is nothing we can do about it. With the knowledge and tools I learned from this class, I can manage my pain better going forward!

This class makes me to own my problem to analysis and make action plans to solve the problem.

I love this program where I met people who have similar health issues as I do. I learned a lot of pain management knowledge I can apply for life.




Gaithersburg, MD – The Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) recently received a two-year grant from the Community Health Resources Commission in the amount $160,000, with co-funding from Aetna Better Health of Maryland.

This funding is awarded to the CCACC for their “No Pain Initiative” which provides for an integrated approach to chronic pain management, including the reduction and prevention of the use of opioid medications for chronic pain. The program includes individual counseling, psychosocial support groups, acupuncture sessions, and a structured 6-week self- management workshop to empower patients to better manage their chronic pain, and receive non-pharmacologic interventions that could provide pain relief.

In coordinated fashion, participants can also plug into elements of individualized care, such as a review of their pain medications with a psychiatrist or a pharmacist, and the development of a care plan to address co-occurring depression, anxiety or other psycho-social issues.

The No Pain Initiative (NPI) is also made possible by the existing network of volunteer personnel at the Pan Asian Volunteer Health Clinic (PAVHC), such as Dr. Ling Chin. Dr. Shao, and Hsing-chih Su, Pharm D. Dr. Chin comes from a background in public health, FDA, NIH, and preventive medicine. Dr. Shao is a volunteer psychiatrist. Dr. Su is a volunteer pharmacist and leads our pharmacy team. PAVHC is part of CCACC and is a safety net clinic in Montgomery County, and is in partnership with other community organizations for this project.  For example, the Asian Indians for Community Service, Inc (AICS), is the organization partner providing the certified trainers for the self-management workshops (known as the Chronic Pain Self-Management Program – CPSMP). Another key partner is Dr. Chao An, Director of the US Center for Chinese Medicine (USCCM). The Center provides the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctors who perform a TCM evaluation and deliver 3 sessions of acupuncture treatment for NPI participants.

In the next two years, it is anticipated that the “No Pain Initiative” will provide pain management services to a total of 240 individuals. To date, 21 participants have completed the CPSMP workshops, 26 participants have received acupuncture treatment, and many others have received health education, and individual counseling.

This award has been instrumental in CCACC/PAVHC being able to provide partial support for two additional key staff members for the Initiative, namely, Program Director Huixing Lu, LCSW-C and Project Coordinator Hsiaoyin Chen LMSW, according to PAVHC Clinic Director Lu. For more information regarding NPI, please visit our website:

This co-funded grant from the Community Health Resources Commission and Aetna Better Health of Maryland is a part of a larger partnership to expand access to care across the state, especially in underserved communities, in an effort to both reduce health disparities, and increase the capacity of safety net providers to serve vulnerable residents. Jointly, the organizations have co-funded two additional grants in Washington and Charles counties. “We are thrilled to play a part in the community by supporting the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center in their efforts to reduce opioid dependency in the state” said Aetna Better Health of Maryland Chief Executive Officer Angelo Edge.

“The Community Health Resources Commission is thrilled to support Chinese Culture and Community Service Center,” commented Mark Luckner, CHRC Executive Director. “The No Pain Initiative will bring important pain management services to the community and will help reduce the reliance on opioids for chronic pain.”  The grant to CCACC is one of 26 awards totaling $7.2 million issued by the CHRC this year.  Additional information about these awards can be accessed at:


no pain partners.jpg

北京中醫藥大學北美分校 (USCCM)
Asian American Inter Community Service, Inc. (AICS)
​ 泛亞義務診所社區醫師團隊



2020年1月 討論會
  • Welcome  and Opening

  • No Pain Initiative: An Overview
    Ling Chin, MD & Huixing  Lu, LCSW-C

  • Brief Presentation  & Panel Discussion:


  1. Chronic Pain
    Dr. Zirong Zhao, MD (Neurologist, VA Medical Center in D.C.)

  2. Total Pain and Complementary Modalities
    Jennifer Cheng, MD (NIH Hospice & Palliative Care)

  3. Primary Care Chronic Pain Challenges
    Wei Cui , MD (Primary Care, Integrated Medical Care)

  4. Psychiatric Co-Morbidities and Psycho-Social-Behavioral Influences on Chronic Pain Behaviors
    Hang Wang , MD (Psychiatrist, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital)

  5. Chronic Pain Management and the No Pain Initiative
    Xiaoping Shao, MD (psychiatrist, VA Medical Center in D.C)



CCACC 泛亞義務門診 (PAVHC)

9298 Gaither Road

Gaithersburg, MD 20877


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電話: 240-393-5950


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