今年8月份开始,CCACC将赠与在CCACC疫苗注射站完成兩針的新冠疫苗的社区居民奖励$50礼卡。 该项目受惠者仅限前150名。先到先得。
下一次接种时间:10.8.2021 周五下午, 1-4 pm
地点: 泛亚诊所 (9318 Gaither Road, Suite 205, Gaithersburg, MD20877
注册链接: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjDZp0y6g91TfM0oiqD4s5--djQ4k-XepQqTdop_q5LrGvag/viewform

CCACC 將於本週五下午提供輝瑞新冠疫苗注射。時間為下午1-4 pm (地址:9366 Gaither Road, Gaithersburg, MD20877)。
· 還沒有注射第一針新冠疫苗的人士
· 有免疫系統疾病的人士,已完成第二針輝瑞疫苗接種後的28天,需要接受第三者疫苗
· 65歲以上,或者18歲以上,有基礎疾病的人士,以及一線工作人員,至少6個月前已完成兩針輝瑞新冠疫苗注射的人士
CCACC作為喬治華盛頓大學公共健康學院的社區合作機構,獲得聯邦健康資源與服務署(HRSA)的資金贊助,舉行行社區疫苗推廣服務。為了鼓勵更多未接種新冠疫苗的人士接受疫苗,於今年8月份開始,CCACC將贈與在CCACC疫苗註射站完成兩針的新冠疫苗的社區居民獎勵$50禮卡。 該項目受惠者僅限前150名。先到先得。此項鼓勵僅限於從來沒有接受新冠疫苗者。
輝瑞疫苗正在向聯邦藥物與食品管理局申請,為5-12歲學童的輝瑞疫苗注射。一旦獲批,CCACC 會重開週六的大型疫苗注射站。有興趣在CCACC參加的新冠疫苗注射者,請填寫下列預先註冊鏈接:
Complete two doses of COVID-19 vaccination at CCACC and win a $50 gift voucher
As a community partner of the George Washington University, CCACC has received funding from the Federal Health Resources and Services Agency (HRSA) to promote community vaccine services. In order to encourage more people who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine to receive the vaccine, starting in August this year, CCACC will give a $50 gift card to community residents who have completed two doses of COVID Vaccine at the CCACC vaccination site. The beneficiaries of this project are limited to the first 150. First come first served.
CCACC continue to serve the hard-to-reach residents with COVID vaccination. Starting from August 27th, we will continue to provide vaccinations for people in need every Friday afternoon from 1-4 pm. If you are interested, please use the following link to register:
Or contact us at 301-663-1375 for assistance.